#RH777 Injury Update
"You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward; how much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!" - One of Riley’s favorite quotes, from the movie Rocky.
Its been a wild ride as we keep tabs on the Riley’s recovery process. From the initial news and the medically induced coma, to the ongoing rehabs and physical therapies to get him back to health, he’s been happy to have all of us in his corner and he’s doing his best to fight his way back to full strength. Riley is in good spirits at this point and more than willing to put in the work to get back to where he was, but for now he’s gotta take it easy and let his body rest. He still gets pretty tired, which is common to the recovery process of severe head injuries like his. Physically, he is limited by the low energy levels, but mentally, he can’t wait to get back at it. He knows, however, the importance of taking this all slow and avoiding any risk of impact to his head again while he’s in this stage of recovery. So for right now, we’re all right there with him…. sitting in out and waiting for now. He’ll be back before we know it, maybe just not as soon as we’d like. Keep moving forward, Riley, we’re cheering for ya.
Rich Pelton on a recent trip to check in on Riley